Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The technologies of man are now to rein in falsehoods of all ideals of ' Humanity.' This near, preponderance, now ' surfacing ' the globe of human thought, as a whole and the ' bloodlines ' answering in kind within the youth of the age, this age, seemingly without regard as to how the ' powers that be,' came to be.

What is the weight of the soulness of all blood thus spilt concerning your birth...she wondered. the thought of what was once ' revered ' as a god, glimpsed a ' shielded moment;' the stillness of what was closely related to the reptile...she was, experienced...then now...within all the moments of all that lived and understood the ' second.'

Nadda observed the fractured ' of ' violence, in the moment, of all the known ages, at once, on going, concurrent and twisted the sync. of the living ages to focus; to observe the blocks of what man would call mountains. Built by him.To the stars she looked, then without, then she looked back to the changing plains of the Nile Valley; a river in lasting change within climates...she wondered what of ' higher ground ' was lost to the ear of mankind.


The ' VOICE ' was resounding...it immersed it's self in and from without all light and voided darkness, through all ages in whispered thought.

" Grace, it is Ego...let them be...brief ( ly ). The warp of the universe, subsided, now bent in ' signature.'

Is this the reason for the mass, though small, bloodied, ' unborn ' that I left...she wondered to forgetfulness.

Nadda stood atop the two suns..................silence.