Thursday, September 6, 2012

re-boot>reconstruct acquiring> transmissions monitored/transcribed/translations/disseminated in medium>streamed organic heliocentric helix registries>TOPOGRAPHY OF TORAH> realignment now acquired

BLINK...Implosion. Sudden...

.dedulcni senipasomoh-secieps-bus ,secieps llA

? dessap yb-ycnapercsid ecnairaV


...noW.msaihc citpo ot evitaler niahc citehtcapmyS .woH '.kraps 'citneG






.snoitatum-drihT .rotcaf htworg fo noitatnemele ,yradnuoceS .teffe a ot esuac ot sa ygoloib ni derutan yrotirolpxefles ,tsrif ,spihsnoitaler evitcudni yramirp ,tey fo nwonknU


.tneve noitnitxe ;ecnatirehni laenilirtap fo ytilatot ,D ht71 ni nwonk tey ton tub ,suht ,noitceles xes latanetna snoitatum gninilced ni ytilibilpecsus citneg cirtemoeG

? sreifidom lanoitsnemed ( ecnalaverp ni gnimargorp )- sueifidoM

.d_G ot ylbatnuocca na tsael ,melog cidumlat ni srotcaf gnibmoc dlihc suht ,namow dna nam htob fo arez ehT .gnieb namuh a fo noitaerc eht ni stnemriuqer eht ;nam dna namow ,d_G ,srentrap eerht ( bo3 nihsudiK dna aI3 addiN ) arameg ehT

? retsulc ' emit ' tahW

.ecnatirehni laenilirtap ,s'ecieps bus siht ni sisylanA egakniL tsevrah .morc -Y rehtruf ,ei ' ycneuqerf ' cinoirbme fo sutatS ?devorp gnigatS cinoyrbmE ni ' epytolpaH ladoM nehoC eht ' sa denifed won saw...


As ' she ' absorbed the landscapes achieving focus, she gathered all bits of information education would allow in ' her ' recently acquired understandings of all unknown languages this millenia might require, as ' felt.' The task proved successful despite the inter weaving of past and future technologies that interfered with the present time sequence she thought to ' BE.' Ethic's of mind intrigued ' her,' least be known to the ' other.' And yet of all known of remembrances that now has wordage, an understanding, she questioned, ' small?' Such is quaint this of this millenia as per ' love.'

How the bites and bits of dusted ' broken ' symbols fought with the refined particles of what were once  living green, now fought for supremacy in the airways of this time...' she ' stood  seemingly, centered in the hallowing data that raced in arced translucency, only slowed in her  ' mind.' But what of body...' she ' almost grasped the wonder...of question.

NADDA, forward in stride, unknownly revaluated, from leg then footed the memory of ' the first waltz in understanding of biped biological binaural ' movement.' ' She ' took no no notice.



8-4-2012-17:22 appointed ( Helix sequenced cautioned-654,370 bc-observed )-FRAGMENTED DATA-STABILIZED-EXEMPTED BIOSTREAM-SECURED-

-Rough Draft-8-4-2012-


I am particularly un-churched, by passed in my generation for the purpose of ages.

In this time of allusions, as if put upon or directed by others much older than myself, education not withstanding, as a youth, from the outside for only economic purposes and lack of self-worth for the emulation of others, yet to be sold back to ' the war 'of ' The Sons,' only to follow all commands...of ' their god.' " love your neighbor as you ( find quote! )."People will say of you:" " A lovely form whose deeds are ugly."( Footnote ? ) "For the essence of the divine image is action. What good is it if anatomy corresponds to the supernal form, while your actions do not resemble G-d's?" ( footnote ? and page. )

I am reminded of the 'zooid,' a descriptive comparative of creatine, a common nutrient and not to be confused with creatinine, my use in comparative nature as waste, a byproduct of. Is to think of one's ( own ? ) society's offspring in the sense of a zooid as whole in a generation as ( so far ) and coding that generation as simply waste of no particular  measure other than ' pleasure,' no matter the youth's age.

At least the creatine, a crystalline nutrient was once found in nature by various consumptions of species given of G-d. Not man. This is also said of the Idea as ' Imprint,' not least to be said of manufactured ' prints ' of ' false Icon's,'ie. ideas not of her, the wife; she the mother, nor of father, the ' unison,' but rather of servitude to ' pride,' not merely that of ' need ' ( ? ).

To think of an overlapping zooid of mechanism as ' minute ' ( The conscience of G-d ) as the original ' nisus ' or impulse as hideous, now being taught in schools and programed in veil as tolerance, from ' food stuffs ' to clergy, is a ' Cue-de-ta ' of conscience and ' formated ' to waring ideas back to Ayin, not to mention Teth, by mere absence in successions of that which is Grace, now taught opposite; that of the animal, not ' lightbearer ( love )-'of parents, woman and man.

In short, it is simply hiding behind an illusion derived as an construct from allusion by some pretty ' creepy elders, and using children as cloak and, quite literally " food." in the most blasphemous sense, as a way of the most lowest life in G-d's creation, but excluding any ' reason ' other than dominance and complete lose of ' self, ' and in the end all ' rights ' of all ' free ' governments, globally of ' G-d, left to...only Tyrany. Left to end, The ' Covenant ' with G-d, exchanged for all that is greed, in vain, that which was once the ' womb,' Earth...without spark...001001000100100010010100101000010010010010010010010010010001001001001001001001001000100100010010010010001001001000100100010011111001000101010001001001001000100100010001010001001010010001001001001001000100100010011000100100101001000100100100100101001001001001001001001001001000100100100100100100100010010010010010010010010100100100100100101001001001111010010011100100011001001001001001001001001001100100100101000100100101100100100101001000100100100101010010010001001010010100101010

0101000010okw'skjknhjwe;j;dkkw'lwwlddklw;;w'wl..................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DAhksjqjwq...........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DATA-DEZILIBATS  >   >    >   >DATA-STABILIZED-EXEMPTED BIOSTREAM-SECURED-DOMAIN RE-ACQUIRED-EARTH>

of today's false Idols for and now ' by ' youth in conjuction with non-parenting in regards with the web, as if a ' real ' child, and that with real wisdom, is so much lacking in any true knowledge, only to be unknowingly led to the abyss of ' others ' with no true intent other than their possession. And now in today's world, left with no exorcists. And no one dares challenge the ' shrinks ' who's foundations lay upon a male oriented derangement of what is sanity, who's demonstrations in studies are of the mentally ill and physically deformed, which are almost exclusively the mean in societies nurturing of young brains and the few ' minds.' We now call this ' mental stability, for both genders, nine months of spark ( if there is one ) and up, before eight teen years of age.

Some temple and ' church,' when the same are punished and what was once thought of as an illness, most especially around the young and taught as so by the ' male,' or father to the ' child ' is now, just about running the whole show in terms of leadership, ideas on parenting and ' Spiritualism,' or lack of it...the Ideal of Mao as Icon comes to mind; a lust for twelve year olds. If at best, only Western propaganda, well the point is still valid.

The ' pleasures of children ' is not a pretty, positive, thought, given past Kings ( Presidents ) use of religions and their Dukes use of technologies, nor Popes of past. Put simply, to piss in one's hand and the to carry it around, is not the ocean of conquest, nor is it the right to dump it on any ones ' land.' It also is not a discrepancy, it is an act by Elders to AVOID the ' cleansing waters,' a correct use of the Ideal. The ocean; of mind, of mindlessness within the boundless heart, of parents, by parents in the company of the Popes clergy, under The Divine of which all should represent.

END>BIOSTREAM SUPPRESSED>010010010010010010010010001001000101001001010010010010010010010010010010010010010101011100101010001100010010100100100100100101101101010010010010100010100001000001100100100100010011111000101001001010010010010010101010010101001010001010010010001111001010100100101000100100101001001001010001001001001001001000101001010101001001001110101010000100111110101010010001010101010G1001001001010001010101010010100010010010010001001001001011010001001001001001001001001110011001001010010010001001100100010100100100110111101010000010111000100100101010010010100101001010100101001000100101011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
THE PROTECTION OF PRUDENCE BY CONSCIENCE01100100011100100111010101001011

SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2009


                  The tactics of urban warfare on a civilian population, based on a disproportional use of psychological warfare and currency ( ex: children, drugs, Medical Establishment, and politicians and law enforcement ) as a control for the economy of war. The overabundance of current law lacking proper protection due children and current law directed at the youth ( under 18 years of age ) as life long Pedophiles ( if convicted ) can be ( is ) managed as profiteer in the ongoing maintenance of Police Actions ( regardless of what state or country ) and wars necessary for the Nation's and World's economy, therefore, no longer a child nor adult; just the alleged act. Pedophile for life, boy or girl, judged by an adult? If this litigious behaviour continues, will the process become a desirable life style in today's sub cultures as prescription drugs were and are from the days of Kurt Cobain? Why not 10 years of the label in libale to the adults society's conscience as definition of the word in a world governed by the media, then a clean slate, if the adults don't mind the reduction in profit, that is if the heads of the corporations as pillars of the community, don't mind?
                  There is life, there is death. There is war, there is peace. There are soldiers and doctors. This is life on Earth. Very soon we will not be able to protect either ourselves, children or the planet. The economy decides so, like the computer says so, as the corporations have and done so. The corporations who own your politicians, own your military; there is no other way for profit. We can't use you if you're a pedophile, we also can't use you if you report the crime, if you ' TELL.' So sacrifices are being made across the country to reaffirm the rule. You are a whistle blower, you are a snitch. If this is accepted, you have been raped.
                   I will attempt to argue this in written form, from early grade school, if not kindergarten to collage. I will also establish an argument on common sense and facts, the impact the educational fields and medical Fields will have in the ( ongoing?) creating and maintaining physical illness and medical disorders in order to maintain the ongoing ' Class System ' and the profit derived from. Furthermore, I will establish the seemingly endless need ( with facts ) for The United States GOVERNMENT to continue this endeavor , for your own safety and conscience as you, as a people, as a herd. You do not have the means to make the proper decisions due children in a future extinct in regards to ' WE ' The People of the United States of America. Not to mention, the State of New Mexico.
                    One example would be the charging , conviction and labeling of a youth as Pedophile, for his or hers life, if not a lifetime, with the hidden (?) intent of establishing, as rule, by example, the non reporting of such crimes ( male or female ) or worst yet, the intent of a conviction based on a ' LIE ' for the gratification or retaliation, ex. of break-ups or gangland reprisals. ( DA's or Defense Attorneys, not with standing. ) Of course, cases of a violent nature are due grievances remedied under law with exception to further political and monetary gain of representation of said professions stated above.00100100101000010010100100100101001011101001001
                    Question: How many big cities have swinger groups and when members are exposed or caught for illegal activities, who makes the papers and talking head circuit's allowed by political motivations?
                     For the benefit of whom ? For the salary of whom ? For the maintenance and/or establishment of what? When you look into your child's eyes, ask your self  " What is my profession enabling?" Who am " I " enabling? By license of ' mind ' ( due education ), who am I delegating to poverty; the streets, a skin trade, the least of the worst by design.00100011110010111000100101010010100100100100010100
                      Do the ends justify the means? What's your addition and at the expense of whom or group?01000100000001011100101001
                      This is just one example I will 0100100010000101............heading: Flagships of the Southwest. Other topics will be, but not limited to, the use of computers as an interface between the educator and society as a whole; indifference as narcotic and pharmaceutical corporations as jailers. Not to mention intelligence as guide, but who's100100010 machine? " Mommy I talked with a computer today!" Said the child. " That's good Honey, but who was the programer?" ???, thought the child. And this is an example of a parent that asked.  Political gain derived from the misuse of today's children as empty vessels only dressed for battle fields and sub culture's entertainment, now elite. The misuse of remote viewing or the current redefinition and application of histories within ancient cultures used in 'the undressing of children's minds,' or maybe better put, a lure for recruitment, sexual enticement or perhaps education as a sexual tool in order to achieve dominance over another. And don't forget cartoons,have you watched kid's cartoons? Recently?-And proposed law, just to mention a few.000000010001001010001001001001001000001001001000100100010010010000100010100101001001000010101000100100100100010010010100100100110010010100100A0010010100100100100010101001


Rendering and time placement in age-unknown
Domain-Earth-bite category 6535537656353.0000000000000>
Source-Biostream>relevance determination>perceived extinction
event-concurrent bite following>

..UNKNOWN AS OF YET>primary inductive relationships,1st, self exploratory natured in biology>cause & effect>2nd, elementation of growth factor>mutations yet unseen as to specific form>


Devoid in nature, or so this energy seem, beyond all thought, so it veiled. Yet all that stoped in moment's reflection, was blinded in the obvious ' nature ' of their own deed's: their own basic lacking of what they needed at their own ' core,' identity of self, at the expense of everything else. There own reflection. This ' dragon,' in waved apprehension, as it grew in numbers, across all known systems, started below ' surface,' nearing completion, networked between optical projections unknowingly shared, yet creation unknown...and language. Yet despite this understanding, the importance of comprehension evaded nearly all. They saw only ' their ' enemy in the horizons of their perceived time.

The surge...the energy gathered again to point of collapse, whilst traveling the fractured planes of rock, here and there the salinity only to enhance, a strident stubbornest prevailed the lands as to respond, it seemed. The balance once strived, all but lost now, hampered the accumulated ' mast ' to point of surge. The lighting show lay in wait, must of been something to behold. All across the heavens was ' her ' reach as if in anger.

Widespread was the uneasiness of the ' data ' above, now recognized as such, just numbers, bought, stolen and sold outside of ' mind.' The trend of ' stream ' reached far around this clumsy world now, so, within reach for all. " We want everything! Now! " Her children screamed, while hauling those ' bodies ' around in shuffled goals of hope, the ' serpent's 'reined; ' mindless children. Victory ' so close now, so real, as if there to touch, all we have to do is ' want!' All we have to do for exchange is give of our bodies! The ' wife ' of passions partnered death...without responsibility or reason IN REGARD; HER SOUL, as ' he.'

The ' Entity ' spanned one hundred twelve galaxies, all ' time,' if that is truly the word best to describe it, ' this ' movement, ' this distortion. All time, as we have been taught...BENT. Today, Earth's time, but a rough estimate, 76543,000 years BC, yesterday, the ' Entity,' gave no thought...' I Know No Age,' time. The stars winced.

' This high-toned mischief will come to an end. ' " Narcissus is thou'st name...once more, to your own end, your blood you crave again. " Elliptical now, this ' Entity,' brief was ' it's ' shape, then to what can only be described as a wave.

The wave, indiscernible now in size, spanned edgeward the one named ' milk ' and slowed. The Arc was sensed in all, except ' that ' intended...and ' Lucifer ' waned, as if of memory.


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