............" and as we wait for The President for this press conference, Bill what is your ' feel ' for this new ' wind,' to use a phrase, that is running around Washington's rumor mills ? Excuse me Bill, and we take you to the press room at The White house ladies and gentlemen. To The white House and The President of The United States has now entered "....
" Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of The United States " The Aid to the President announced.
" I stand before you, the American people, in full recognition in the face of global slavery as per our National and global condition and responsibility due our Environment. Our shared ' Compact with that of all Nation's, whether it be a simple belief system or that of Our, all of those who share this planet, we the living and tomorrows futures; our children. Our, in totality, a world, together, with God.
As I have exampled in the past, in my address due Dr. Martin Luther King and his answering the call, so shall we, as learnt and taught as Moses listened, so shall we. By Will alone.
The apparent ' illiterate ' Corporate Industrial Complex in National and Global concerns and interests operates in a seemingly growing vacuum of ecological indifference that is in effect hurting and killing not only Americans but citizens around the world. Both youth and their elders.
Least we not pass on our mistakes, International steps and actions have been addressed and ideas have been taken in submission from the concerns, both ours and The People of China, represented by President XI Jinping in regards to our mutual interests for cleaner lands and oceans for all our peoples mental and physical health, and their children's futures interests in a plentiful world in step with a mindful approach stabilizing a coexistence with this planet with due regard to our shared past mistakes, so they may never happen again.
A mountain of garbage, some would say the size of Texas, a vacuum in reality, a vortex of destruction is swirling not only in the Pacific ocean but elsewhere too. Mountains of plastics made of our hands that those of biblical knowledge would argue, The Living Water's of The World.
I am reminded of Concerns during the 1980's and 1990's of Nuclear waste being stored in salt beds that not only run underground through New Mexico but down through out the entire State of Texas on to The Gulf of Mexico. Yet, not only because of political concerns and National, the special interests which in a time of Global Warming have endangered waterways and aquifers of our children's futures.*
I stand before you in our shared Global Interest, that all Powers of this world have made not only the same mistakes but proposed storage facilities of similar environmental localities that are still on drawing tables across the world.
We have all raised our children with the best of intentions but they have dared to go where Angles dare not in this technological world and have voiced their concerns by their trespasses.
Or have they ?
Our troubles are the same on both sides of the ails, both sides of the world and both sides of the hemispheres.
Our troubles are the same President XI Jinping through commerce in all technological industries and elsewhere, as you know. We all can not ' travel ' with out footprint, mental, physical or otherwise.
This must be addressed.
A workable solution can be found.
Work for returning military from active duty. Veterans who meat designated job descriptions along side with the best our Universities and Research Facilities have to offer along side with the a growing younger Nation's concerned citizens who after trained in various fields might and will meet the challenge of our Age. A New Light of All Our Futures.
Our Nation is a light of this world that Will and will not be forgotten in the face of any Adversary, even if History dictates, or if is, or can have been said to have been us.
We are a Nation of future concerns and compassion's. We are a Nation of People who are not afraid to address our shared concerns which encompass our children's shared dreams. We are the American People of a world in search of that which our grandfather's father once layed eye's upon; that remnant of a world that we are soon to lose if we don't better utilize the full extent of our technologies and mindful intents concerning our shared environment.
The world we live in now is that that is but of bites and bits while that which we stand upon and sail upon is passing, leaving, dying before our eyes at our hands, under our Will.
I have asked my daughters, " How will you remember us? " They both have answered at various points in their lives, we love you daddy and " Why would you ask that question? " father.
If our countries only response to the challenge is ' Totalitarianism,' then we all have worked for little else than hate for hundreds of years, if not thousands. And I might add, many more to come.
This World, this planet, will not forgive and we can only pray that our children and theirs will.
In conclusion, I have consulted with members of both parties and The Army Core of Engineers along with the top leading Think Tanks in our world today and These proposals: " aid to the President approaches the podium, " Congressman....of Florida, uh....." another Aid to The President whispers briefly, as The President leaves the podium he states, " Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen. "
" Mr. President ! " One reporter shouts, yet another " Mr. President? !"
" It seems that President Obama has been called away.......we are now told that increased attentions have drawn this President's attentions back to The Oval office..." " John, this is Bill, we are told that this sudden departure is due to concerns in Florida. Have you any futher information regarding this ? "
The President, stern of face, walks briskly away with his aids through the.... 00100100100101000100101001001010010100010010000001010100010010A010001010001000100100010000001
CNN BREAKING NEWS.....the banner re...001000100001001000100010010100100100010001010001001001000100010010010000100100100101001000
The impacts were slight. No one heard, except one submarine, a crewman, he never saw it coming.
Imploding vacuums are a particular breed of catastrophe that somehow defy confinements in lateralization as far as the natural world is concerned, much less man made disasters. This event was both.If only the beaches to the crystalline caverns around the world, less the tourists traps and confinement ' cages ' built for the cold war concerns found other remedies , then the tri-fold immersion of the one event, encompassed in the span of a common compass, like a needle , yet it was the density of a small piece of copper that might of avoided a ' placement,' had the submarine never of been. But, what of the gases below the Ocean's surface and sandy mud below? No one will ever really know.
The penny tumbled with the current just short the speed of sound.
The impacts were even slighter on Mars as the rock passed by in silence. The storm on the other side of Curiosity had no immediate effect on instruments as well as the atmosphere above it, only the density of radiation was effect in cause, but beyond the capabilities of ' gauge,' of both planets and Human instrumentation.
The other two were never seen. One of this world, the size of a penny, coated with copper. The other, never imagined.
A winter's cloak soon encased the landscape bitterly and although the sun gave no hint as to which season it really was, Ashly gave no notice as the breeze tightened her chest. It wasn't just the underlying blush, her breathing strained against every placement of footing along the pavement. She struggled for moments in her near gasps for breath and laxing of focus, yet she fought through it and a passing of one leaf ' which/that ' brushed her cheek?! She jogged ahead the winding path, somehow watching herself...until she saw in disbelief ' she ' was without a ' face,' ...head!
Her body then collapsed in a beautiful colored swill of ' autumned ' leaves.
" I don't all the figures yet! " Al joked. This is so easy he thought to himself, caught in the moment. He wondered of a catch phrase before the ' kill.' Just wait for the ' expressive ' remark, usually ' well, lets give it more time.' Accountability before the obligatory counter proposition. He finished tying his tie, thinking again in complete completion, as if reiterated in script.' Blue sky and Water,' brief the diminishing image, or was it a thought ? He brushed it aside, wondering if he said it aloud. In wonderment the refusal of the dark clouds rising above him, beyond the view of the apartment walled in glass windows.
A slight sensation of the initial ' scratch,' as darkness enveloped him, atop his head; all ' being ' blackness and he ' felt ' so light. The cavitation of the mountainside before it fell and accompanying gravel, that of which practically decapitated Al, bewildered incited, reoccurring memory. ' Smell.' " Though tasked, my mind mind will not wander." " What ? " He tryed to speak, Al's tissues last electrical bridged, then silence; nether a ponder.
Salt in water? Salt in water.....n't swim...Saltwater ? ?
" What's the direction? ! G-D Damn it ! The angle ! " The Cap screamed ! " Secure that retard ! " Once again obedience rode hype's edge. like a BB down a K-Bar, he thought." Submerge," he ordered while in the thoughts of time, ' Will there be enough ? ' A sharp pitch in....
I was looking out the window in anticipation of arrival, hours away, lacking any clear memory as to why I'm still wearing my jacket, this suit.
The jolt, then plunge, the shearing of the aircraft's ceiling and rush of a deafening wind broke ' this melancholy.' I grabbed the armrests, family, thought, flash, melancholy. The rush of that of all winds, slammed into my face. I saw water everywhere.
" what do you do when you are falling from a great height to water below ? The voice asked.
I gripped the armrests; I met the water as if a ball and then again. And again. I fell, in instruction, it seemed. " How do you enter the water ? " " Should you of let the seat and chair pull you down ? "
Again, I fell in ' audience ' trying to survive the imposable in Nation's concert; yet to ' let go,' blackout.
Again I tumbled in a roll, my head to knee's, gripping the seat and belt. The plunge was hard, day or night, i don't know; so far down. The salt, if there was, did not sting.
How beautiful the sutle light and warmth of her kiss; this wetness, I still drifted down.
" Wake up soldier! " the ' nation 'of women as one voice, I released the seat buckle, the belt and slowly rose. I thought I was dying till surface broke: the memory of light. A red light's blink broke though the waves.
NADDA.... SMILED IN THOUGHT, ' THE REST IS UP TO YOU ' NATION ' and the rest of this ages imagery raced by in all forms of communication known in existence within the lapping of Ages.
" What am I looking at? " The President asked.
" Sir, look at the left of the Hawaiian belt, then
the upper right of the off of the Florida Peninsula."
LIGHT was the expanse of all oceans without exception, now then and of the other. She then he stared at the form of no form in wonderment through the visions of so many in escape...but of what; the ponder, now, left her in the rising of one ' clear ' wordage through so many languages... ' COUP, ' the light was blinding through all ages as if in answer and her job done as ' him.' Then the underlying blasphemy " we are your sisters, your mothers/we tell you what to wear to attract him/we give birth to/we cut your hair/paint moving pictures for yo/WE GIVE BIRTH TO Y/we tell you how to make love to her as h/...."
A feather dropped to sea.
The light of that which has always ' is ' ( has been ) broke the Idol in two to the sea.
The lights above that world down to the ' core ' of this world, could be heard ' NO HARM TO THOSE WHO KNOW NOT, LEAST THEY KILL IN INTENT OF THEIR TEMPTATIONS, AND ' LOSS...' within the clouds.
" HARM NONE TO JUDGE AS CHILD " many men and women heard as if the world revolved around their very existence.
* This is true, best to my knowledge. I was told by the son of a Los Alamos scientist that the big joke was that " That's one way to get rid of Texas." ( This way of thinking permeates the world amongst different nationalities.) The silver brief case had a hand cuff on it. He, the scientist, was Jewish.
Our country is a mishmash of different cultures. A true ' Melting Pot,' but that's idea only.
Our country was founded by Christians and masons, and yes, Jewish and a whole bunch of other nationalities. And to this day we still try to ' Right ' our wrongs. This was part of the physiological warfare I still endure. I ' mentioned ' ( within my mind 7-8 years ago ) that the Native Americans and were punished by BOTH sides, I still believe that it was GENOCIDE.
I believe in my Heart, that that was the reason I was given the Eagle feather in Austin, Tx between the Masonic Dormitory and Seminary on the UT campus.